Bones Baltic BBC

The exhibition at THE BALTIC CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS (see below) is a fabulous tribute to crazy vinyl culture. The X-Ray Audio section is very nicely sited adjacent to an amazing film piece by Christian Marclay which shows a gramophone needle riding the grooves of a record in huge close up.

On 16th APRIL, Stephen and Aleks Kolkowski will be presenting an evening on the project with a talk, images, film and a demonstration of the cutting of a new X-Ray record.

Paul Smith vocalist of the band MAXIMO PARK has graciously submitted himself to be x-rayed this time.  He will be performing a song form his new album live and Aleks will be cutting it straight to x-ray . 


BBC ARTS covered the exhibition with a film featuring the X-Ray Audio installation and an interview with curator Alessandro Vincentelli.  (Although the x-ray bootlegs were not imported into the Soviet Union as stated, they were made there and the use of X-rays was not an attempt to disguise the true nature of the records).